Saturday 28 April 2012

Orientation - USA!


i had  to adapt my new school life~in college!
in this week is orientation week!i dun know why have 1 week orientation day ,n 1 day 9 hours++...
i may die@@....HATE!
First day i go,BORED!!!!!!!always briefing .....n walk here walk there....dun know for what?!
then ,grouping~my "lucky" number is 40!luckily,Y.THENG is 10 then i changed it become 40,same group with me! group is LAST-40!name is ....U.S.A!=,=
my leader is boy,name..Y.JUN!i call him MR.BONG!cuz he very BONG! true!
after go back home, finish ate dinner n bath then SLEEP!too tired!!!!want die@@
Second day ,is Telematch ...playing station games~wow....enjoy too~our group very cooperate!but in this day i had learn 1 word in my life!that is- RUN!!!!always run here n run there~yo~~~~
 Third day,is SPORT DAY!i HATE!bcs i never  have sport cell in my life!but have to participate one sport so i choose TUG OF WAR!=_=''
I very nervous n scare will disgrace but when we taking part is very funny n can feel the unite that we have!^^
Fourth day , i din go ...cuz i have to taking test for undang !my god,please bless me !>,<i scare will fail n let my friends n parents despair again~~
Last day,VARIETY SHOW! wow,some group is very also is very scary day!cuz SBS n SOT will FIGHT!fight what?fight slogan>,<!
i dun know why ?all is friends why have to fight until like that?especially SBS group leader ,when shout slogan ,he eyes is very terror!!!!eeeee~~~~~~~~
Finally ,my group SOT in WIN!!!!!wow~~~~^0^ congratulation la!

SOT flag!!!!!

After that,we go back our tutorial class for last gather with our group members~
we have take picture for commemorate ....USA is the BEST!the guys is too "high" i think....always "VIBRATE"....hahaha...
n we also have celebration party!!!our MR.BONG expense!hahaha...
but luckily i have this group of friends n leader~cuz my leader is very responsibility to help us ...n group members also very friendly...
hope we can meet again^.^
add oil for our further study life~~~~
anybody can recognize me???!

my group members~~~

my group members & leader!!!U.S.A!!!!!

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