Monday 30 April 2012



i have to adapt my new study life!that is college life!
today is first day to college for study!
tell the truth i very nervous n scare!hehe><
in this  morning ,Y.THENG call me ,she said she near by my house n having lunch with SALLYn call me go join them n go college together!
sure!i faster go bath n go join them~
then ,we gather at canteen !
we chat ,talking....and else.....
12:30!!!!we have to go DKB to start my first class!!!
luckily , i have JIE ,SALLY them accompany me...hehe><
wow~have to paid RM50 for buy books???!
omg!!!i din enough money!how?!fortunately SALLY enough n i borrow from her!
first lesson is study introduction to organisation business~
the feel let me think about "MAGGIE " teaching PERDAGANGAN when im form 5!hahaha...very same!!!!
then ,my second class is 4 ocolck!have 2 hours where should i go?!
my friends all go second class or go back already!just left me=(
no!!!!i faster go find new friends that same course with me....
fortunately .....i gt 3 new friends~~~haha...
second class is Hubungan etnik!
i just know i have to do many assignment n many presentation!!!
feel scary!!!!
n have to wear formal wear!!!how??!
but anyway, i believe i can make it ^^
thx my good friend that encourage me ...he told me"however ,start new journey study HARD n be a SUCCESS CHILI in FUTURE!!!!"...
ya!!!i had to add oil!!!thx u ah gong!^^hope u also can success in ur study life....^^

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