Wednesday 26 October 2011

5PA Gathering!


Yesterday have a VERY FUN DAY!!!!
with my classmate!

we all meet at steamboat house!
before that,i wait XIA at pm to fetch us go....
many friends oso meet at PM to wait friend fetch.....
all wear sexy....cute ...casual look....
so EXCITED!!!!

me,XIA,JIE,LIN n SALLY arrived first....
then waiting the organizer----KAI LIN!!!
when all are arrived...
we all  can not wait n go taking food .... so delicious...
n very special..
first time eat like this eh steamboat..... 
 after eating...we are take photo...

when we r full ...
we r start to take photo...
after taking photo go eat again...
hv to taken many round...
haha.... VERY VERY FULL!!
sure must wait after 1years....
only go the restaurant ....
now im scaring~~~~
wana get nightmare!!!! very happy for today....
hope next year have this kind of gathering again!
hope u all  have a good rest for your stomach la!=)

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