Wednesday 2 May 2012


today i have gathering with my group USA!!!!!!
we have a sign to know our group that is a cartoon!
the cartoon look likes OWL but call EAGLE .....
in the afternoon,they are meet at friend hostel ~
then going having dinner together ~~~then J.KIN come n fetch me go~
we are decide go to beach ~but suddenly they go to gurney watching movies~just left me ,mr.bong ,j.kin & michelle.....we already paid parking fee so we dun want changed plan...just we 4 at beach~~
want to do what??!feel very deserted ..... ̄▽ ̄
we have encounter other SOT group also...they also call us to join them...but we dun ,we find a place have a sit n chat together!
we had talk many things to understand each other..we talk about anythings....have jokes..also have nonsense ...
suddenly,some of them have to go back early so cant watch movies ...then they  oso come n meet us!!!finally  all is coming`(*∩_∩*)′!!!
so pity my leader!haha..we have "throw"him in to the sea!!!haha...
then we are take picture n they very popular "VIBRATES"...
always vibrate!they can last minute saw have coconut tree then hold somebody go n vibrate @.@...speechless with them....
haha...then we going a coffee shop to "yam cha"...
we talk about anythings.....
have a nice day with them..^0^
where is my shoes????

which is my LEG?hehe
STAR!friends forever!!!! 

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