Friday 11 May 2012



Start from now ,my life more interesting!i have add one activity !that is JOGGING !!
me n TWC implement our promise!that is jogging or exercise if we have ability ~and now JIE & TWC also have car is more easier for us..can drive anywhere...haha...^^
for me?i am the "PENUMPANG"...that sit their car...haha >,<
every evening ,we will jogging together....u can enjoy the environment ~can jogging with monkey also...haha XD very good n health!is more good than we sit at house n talking ...sit at home also talking ,jogging also that jogging more worth!can keep fit also can chit chat! 一石二鸟!^^...
today JIE din join us cuz she tired~so left me & TWC only...n very coincidence! my pants is exactly same with TWC !just colour not same!!!have many times,our wearing is same ...very funny!is it empathy?!
every time ,we will think about favourite food~or drinks>,<i want eat this n that................
hahaha...what ever !start from now~we have to KEEP FIT!!!!!fighting!

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