Saturday 5 May 2012



me ,XIAN ,TWC & ROY went to sunrise mcdonald have doing homework ....
that is.......QS!!!!HATE!!!!>"<¦¦¦¦
when we waiting TWC coming ,me n XIAN revision economic & account...
she teach me economic n me teach her account ~hahaha...`(*^^*) 
Luckily XIAN bought food,cuz the manager is catch up us go out...cuz today FULL HOUSE!
upstairs no place!all is students ...n do revision~~~
somthen we start doing QS!!!
this QS!just 8 questions only make us confuse ...n "big head".....
we are FINISH!!!!^^
just left 3 questions..cuz have some problem....
but we are HUNGRY!!!hahaha..
me n XIAN just go back home n eat...
left TWC & ROY enjoy at MCD!...hehe...
feel TIRED!!!
always draw GRAPH!!!the graph so SMALL!!
see until dizzy.....@,@
tomorrow have wake up early cuz have to go listen car course...sure BORING!

that is me...FRUSTRATION!!!

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