Thursday 10 May 2012

Repeat & REPEAT


Fell my LIFE is boring n busy....!every morning ,my clock will automatic rang...which mean i have to wake up n go to college!after class then go back home n do homework ~homework and HOMEWORK!
now,i fell very stress !!!cuz i have many assignment to do n presentation...>o<....
first is my HUBUNGAN ETNIK assignment~unfortunately i become group leader n have to distribution work for my group members....but have somebody din corporate...then ,MICROECONOMICS me same group with them again =.='' ...n the lecture always ask me question...n choose me become leader again!i dun want!!!!>,<
actually today we said have discussion at discussion room but all din punctual n tell me they want go shopping ,so want faster settle it!how should i do???!  then i call them go home n find data about HUBUNGAN ETNIK question...they said ignore first n settle micro more important!but HUBUNGAN ETNIK more difficult n also important!next,this assignment have to print out ,unless want over 10 pages with the point only...n print out whole set like we secondary do folio like that!like a book already!and each point unless want 3 pages~how should i do all?!im not GOD!
they have many excuse~said they dint have computer n left at hometown....n bla bla bla......but next week have to present micro aldy..until now not yet process it n slide show also not yet do, it!!!now i do the slide show by them present it!ANGRY-ING.........
luckily my ORGANIZATION BUSINESS din same group v them,..but i hope they are corporate!>,<
now....I prepare a cup of coffee....n said   congratulation to myself!have to settle all assignment n many homework din do yet....have to burn the midnight oil!
 have to become panda again @.@haiz.....FIGHTING!!!!

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