Wednesday 2 May 2012

Love in the Buff ♡


In the morning ,i go college early for meet THENG for register sports but we dint take offer letter so cant register between this ,have HEAVY RAIN suddenly...n many people...O_O
so,we wait at canteen n very coincidence we had meet our group members that is J.KIN & CHUAN...then we start chating ~wow~J.KIN 5am already come club house line up for waiting registration!
Today my class until 2:30 pm....after that TWC n i want go to register sports...
unfortunately is FULL .... so we go back home...
then i feel that very boring so call TWC accompany me go watch movies..haha...^v^ 
she also ok...cuz we feel very bored n we suddenly so MISS our favorite DRINKS & FOOD! so we go gurney! so we start decide which movies we want watch..i want watch AVENGERS but she already watch...( ̄▽ ̄) and some movies is {18} HATE!!!!!!!!
Finally we find one movie!!that is ►春娇与志明◄ is NICE too.....

the story is about:~


 the movie is start 540pm so we go down ground floor n bought waffle to eat ^^...after that,we have meet aunt that last time we worked at small store  and chat with them....
finish watching movie....YES!!!start our dinner!\(‘′)/ 
TWC buy her favorite drink- 6'c 『仙草鲜奶冻』& favorite food 『XL炸鸡排』~ then  me?
sure is EACH A CUP - 『peppermint oreo』 food is hot & roll - 『chicken & cheese』....
after finish buying ,we walk to gurney drive ,choose a "风水位“and have a sit ,start our dinner!woo......DELICIOUS!SYOK!!!!


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