Saturday 12 May 2012

Music is Blood!!!!


for a long time ,i want go RED BOX!!!!!Finally ,today i go RED BOX with my sister n her friend(BEAR)!
just three of us~we use student packet ...but i dint have student card BEAR borrow her sister student card for me,....our room number is 29!wow...first ,i sing alone ...because they are busy find & mark just be responsible singing ...hahaha ^0^...we sing many songs...we also sing very very very old\>o</.....
such like ...坏女孩、厚脸皮、姐妹、听海、征服、你是魔鬼中的天使、super star、journey、just the way u are、set fire to the rain、lemon tree..........

after 3 hours.....finish singing !!!!all no sound..because all just shout n SHOUT!!!!!=.=/.....
then ,we going watson to buy facial things....har?already so late!is near we just go sis dun want go back..she just said very early now....but i dun want!!!i very tired!she said want go SQ..i dunt want!so i said just go TESCO buy things ....then ,we go TESCO!i feel that very weird~because no body wear so beauty n just going tesco buy things?!all also wear t-shirt...but we?!n we just take small troli (is for child)...all child also feel strange n see us....hehe..XD law say that teenagers cant use this type of troli...know we buy what?we just like aunty many things...such like:shampoo , ok biscuit, jam, sweets,and else.....unfortunately i din take dad TESCO card...but we also bought it....hehe^_^ 

finish buying ,my sis also dun want go back!she just fetch me go SQ!!!!i dun want!!!!i want go back!>< her nerve have some problem?every time,she just want go back early ..but today?!yerrrrrrrrr.....scare of her!but already 730 ++pm.....i want go back la ~i very TIRED!n not yet do my homework!!!1who can help me!?!!!

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