Friday 29 July 2011


22/7 friday
Totally i saw HARRY POTTER And The Deathly Hallows - Part 2!!!!
It is so amazing n excited!yohooo^o^ 
it is too late?i not think so...hehe =P
today i need to stay back at school..arrived house already 8p.m.~
after that, i very rush n go "pom pom"(bath)...
then WAH(sis),ZHI(bro)come n fetch me!
the movie is start at we having dinner at FOOD N TEA!my favorite !^^
im order spaghetti n chocolate milk shake!yummy^^
but~the spaghetti is not taste oso...haiz too late n order wrong....:(
anyway~after eating,is the SHOW TIME!!!!
the plot of the movie is very nice n terror !><'''  
n i like the end of the story,is so sweet!!!
n nw~im fall in love with potter handsome la!!!!!haha~~~ =p
must go n support it!^^



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