Thursday 14 June 2012

Tong Pak Fu


today the college whole building out of electric current!
make me feel very "pek cek"!
luckily my lecturer just give answer then dismiss class~then i waiting TWC n XIAN...cuz they have class(ACC) at DKB ...n the lecturer want they wait the electric current as normal...!but....wait until more 30 minutes.....finally...DISMISS CLASS!!!!haha...
we are planing want hang out...where to hang out???erm......we feel very very hot...want eat some ice to cold down!so we go eat dessert!TONG PAK FU again!>,<
where got place to parking???TWC n me find a parking place find until tired...=.='' place ah!!!!round ...round ....round......finally find a small place...n have to walk so far just can reach the dessert shop...haiz.>0<....
this time i dun want order 蜜瓜西米露 anymore....try others favourite mar...hehe....i choose...葡萄芦荟霜^o^ favourite colour n very nice!!!haha..n we also order their set lunch to  try ...n 芒果跳蛋西米露....<3....nice too^^


At the not so THINN is come to chat v us...
we also take many picture....hehe...=D
after that,TWC n me is going gurney....we walk whole building to research what present suitable for LIN!but.....we cant find it!then,we meet my "二爸"....long time dint meet so we gossip this n that.....
have a wonderful day ^^

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