Monday 18 June 2012



yeah!!!!!!congratulate to myself!!!!
FINISH FINISH FINISH!!!!finally finish!my presentation is OVER!!!!

first.....i was so surprise that my teacher told me ,have to prepare question to ask classmate!if not will ask us more n more question!
time is past so fast!i'm leader,so dead sure is me dead first!i have to introduce our group is kumpulan 1 n my group members~n bla bla bla~~~
then,we take turns and present!i too i present too fast!when i want show my video~but technical problem!my video cant show it!!!!!!!!how?! what should i do now?i feel very helpless now....wana cry ..._ ....555555555555......i faster call XIAN where is her n borrow her laptop!but!!!!!she at TESCO !!!jin jiah!!!!!!!!!!!!!(+_+)? 
lastly,i present the end of slide !n i say sorry to all our classmate n teacher that cnt show video~but i have prepare a article for them i explain the article!
fortunately teacher is ok !then is asking question !i have to answer one question!i just casual n say  it!but teacher is said very good answer ! good luck la me!^^
then,i have to ask our classmate question!fortunately my friends know to answer it!>@<
conclusion~is over!!!!my teacher is said our group presentation  is very good!just some presenter is too long ....
but!i very happy!cuz everythings is over!!!!this is advantage of "早死早好"!thanks to my best friends!(JIE,SALLY ,TIFFANY!)to support me !!!n give me many encourage ...thx u all!!!love u all so much ^^V

kumpulan 1 !!!

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