Wednesday 20 June 2012



today i have presentation MICRO!i have get 18.5 marks.....haha..have progress ya....last week i present get 17.5 marks only!^^V.....thx my "师父"-TIFFANY!
I also known that my test mark....i get 21 marks very dangerous marks...>,<....have to add oil in TEST 2!
and i also know my IOM marks,just take 14 marks...very very bad!=( lecturer has scolding us like .................(speechless...╮(_))
now,i will busy for my next MICRO presentation(i will not present again!i just will help them for prepare powerpoint or give some idea! i am democracy leader!so i give them ballot it!) , IOM presentation ,ACC test & QS test!GOD please bless me !!!scare for QS test >o<
Today we also ballot IOM question that which question we will present it!this time my IOM group is different members~so we will choose a leader!i suggest a friend be leader,because she have leader style!but unfortunately ....they choose me be leader again ... ̄▽ ̄
i dun want!dun know is good luck or bad luck also!
now,i have to add oil for my QS!friday have test!scare!
next week friday until sunday i have do part time for PC FAIR!SALLY & me will do this job!∩__∩
Everybody who interest want buy laptop or printer can come PISA find me!haha...XD
is new job for me!hope can get new experience for my new journey.....

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