Thursday 5 May 2011

행복한 일

I am so happy and surprise for today that my aunt and uncle back from Singapore and Johor !
Then my father brings us to my aunt house ....we went to a  restaurant for dinner ...Dinner is very rich and delicious !!!Second time go to restaurant for having dinner!

Then we have endless topic of conversation !After having dinner ,we go to my aunt house to continue chat and my uncle has to fly back to Singapore tonight ~so he need go back for arranged his luggage!My small aunt she this Saturday has to fly back to Arab ...she is coming back the next year ,the fastest !I am so miss her so much! and i totally seen my cousin ,we have long time did not see each other~she looks more pretty and beautiful than before ~Time passes very fast !Since tomorrow we got school,so we go home with feelings of dismay~~~and my uncle just have to rush to the airport!Today ,I will thank you for an unforgettable day for me!Take Care you all!Destined bye !!!><

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