Monday 23 July 2012

India Temple


Wow…every Monday is my family day…today we are going to india temple!that is new temple just built finish one month…(I think so..just now is new temple)…
prepare~~~start our journey!

when we want go up the temple ,have to go up stairs…n the stairs have 512 …
my dad....n grandma!gambateh!

i am look so small small small!!!

wow….i very admired my grandma!cuz she very old already but she still can go up !!!although will tired n asthma but we have take a rest whn my grandma feel tired!!

we r very enjoy the process whn going up...some times we r very funny!haha…finally …we  use half an hours to go up stairs!we arrived destination!!!!the temple is very high ,like our chiness temple kek lok si!we can enjoy the fresh air oso!!!environment is vy clean n fresh!!!thn,there are many india  n start prayingwe oso participate !That the gods also help us to point the powder of the Indian customs in our forehead,n pray!today I have learn many things that about india culture!n they r vy kind….all oso hv hep us n told us somethings about their culture n custom…is very friendly!after praying ,we have enjoy their meal!all of us hv to eat for a bless…so I just take a cup of coffee for drink!(coffee is my favourite..i cnt without coffee for my life…hehe..mayb u will feel that im crazy or addiction..but I just like it!n do myself!hehe)after take a rest n finish eating n drinking!we start to go down!my grandma is old ,we nt encourage she walk down,so w gv her sit car!they hv provide car for old pplbut hv to paid money!just charge RM5 for one person!thn me n my sister n brother walk down!the funny things that let me keep laughing is my sister!!!she hv  伪高症 …she keep held my hand ,mayb is aldy night oso…so ..but she held my hand very tightmake me feel uncomfortable

!anyway….we are walk down n go back!but we nt yt having dinner!so we r going to a coffee shop for having dinner!long time din going out v them..cuz sometimes I lazy or hv test so I din go out havng dinner v them!is vy funny!n Meaningful day^^

saw it ???!the temple!!!

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